MISSION: The McDonogh 35 PTO is dedicated to promoting, strengthening and encouraging communication between parents, teachers and administrative staff, while forming a healthy and trusting relationship between all parties involved. We are committed to McDonogh #35 High School students, parents, teachers and school staff and will conduct ourselves in a professional and respectful manner at all times.
All parents of a student presently attending McDonogh 35 Senior High School are welcome to join the PTO. Presently there are no membership dues. We do encourage participation in fundraising efforts.
PTO Executive Board
Kassey Gethers, President
Sybil Buxton, Vice President
Kyrstle Braen, Vice President
Jaime Ratleff, Corresponding Secretary
Jason King, Treasurer
Dr. Gerald Paige, Sergeant at Arms
2022 -2023 PTO Meeting Dates
All meetings start at 5:30 p.m.
October 4, 2022
November 1, 2022
December 6, 2022
January 3, 2023
February 7, 2023
March 7, 2023
April 4, 2023
May 2, 2023